Today I finally got to take a few
So ladies and gents - I am back and what better post to start with than one about a stinky, hairy, 4-legged beast who I am pretty sure is secretly a human on the inside, therefore we just pretend he is our child.
Exhibit A: Yes we dress him up for fun and to take disgustingly cute pictures to show the grandparents

I know - He is his father's son!
Exhibit B: He eats his dinner at a dinner table
Exhibit C: He gives his mom and dad those "puppy dog" eyes - HA
Ugh - those eyes kill me. EVERY TIME.
They are the most handsome men I have ever of my favorite pics!
Here is another random - super cute photo of my men doing what they do best >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Oh - and we video tape him doing silly things and show EVERYONE
I know I know - you are now in love with my Murphy boy - but he's mine! {And so is the man!}
Speaking of my man - Did y'all now our 1st wedding anniversary is days away...EEK! More to come!
P.S. - I feel like I have to clarify that before he morphed into a brontosaurus-
he came home looking like this:
{be still my heart!}
P.S. - I feel like I have to clarify that before he morphed into a brontosaurus-
he came home looking like this:
{be still my heart!}
- Lindsey Nicole
Oh good god another blog to stalk and live vicariously through since I can't afford or have any room for a huge puppy. He's so cute! Yay for team puppy. I pet every lab I see on the streets too, no worries!
awwww. he is one good lookin' dog! pup and grown both!
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